Cabbage soup diet plan for weight loss / वजन घटाना है तो पत्तागोभी सूप को बनाए डाइट प्लान का हिस्सा

It is very important to take care of eating habits along with exercises to reduce mass consumption. In this case, the cabbage soup can be included in the evening snack. It does not burn fat but will help keep your weight in the control. The fiber contained in it does not allow long hunger and you will not be able to consume more calories. One cup cooked cabbage contains only 33 calories, which does not allow weight gain. Cabbage soup gives energy to the body but reduces fat content. Vitamin C and anti-oxidant present in it contain your metabolism. Cabbage has an element called cellulose, which is helpful in keeping us healthy. This element removes the amount of cholesterol from the body.

How to make

1 cabbage
2 onion cut
4 tomatoes cut
1 capsicum chopped
Salt taste
Pinch full of black pepper powder

Lemon juice as desired

How to make
First, cut cabbage, capsicum and tomato in small pieces and then wash it with clean water.
Now add little cooking oil to the pan, fry the onions for 2-3 minutes.
Then put cabbage and salt in it. After that add 4 cups of water and let the pan shave.
After 2-3 minutes, add tomato and black pepper and cook it.
Now add chopped capsicum and cover it for 8 to 10 minutes.
After this, you can stop the gas by adding lemon rosewood. Now you are ready to serve your hot cabbage soup.

In this way, you can keep your weight under control of cabbage soup.

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