Trying to lose weight, do not make this mistakes while making your diet chart. सचमुच वजन घटाना है, तो अपना डाइट चार्ट बनाते समय न करें ये 5 गलतियां

A lot of people adopt a dieting path to lose weight. For this, people make proper diet charts. But most people do not follow it after making a diet chart. While some people make many types of mistakes in making a diet chart, due to which they do not lose weight despite diet. When making a diet chart for yourself, you should take care of certain things.

Do not include your favorite things

Often people are bold when creating a diet chart and only include things like calories in them. For this reason, soon after dying, they become bored and they start eating unhealthy things by making excuses. To avoid this problem, please include your favorite things when creating a diet chart. However, keep in mind that if the thing is too much calorie or unhygienic, then eat it once or twice a week and eat it in small amounts.

Do not be hungry, eat a little

Often people are starving in the dilemma of dieting. You do not lose your fat by eating a full stomach, but at some intervals, food is healthy for you and you will not even get hungry. Metabolism will work faster than this. Divide your entire diet and calories into three main meals and three snacks. Often the day's metabolism, ie metabolism, slow down the body, so it is better that you eat enough food twice in the first half day. Do not care about morning and afternoon meals.

Write honestly that eat

You are honest with yourself by writing what you are eating every day, and in fact it tells you how often you are eating. This is one of the most important things you can do. This is one of those things, that people will really be able to control.

Not only dieting, exercise is also necessary.

Most people can lose weight by reducing an additional 100 calories every day. Exercise daily for it such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming etc. After doing this, you do not need to do any other exercise. These are enough to keep you fit.

Eat dinner fast

Dinner is good for dinner at night 2 hours. This will save you from consuming unhygienic snacks in the evening, as well as get enough time to digest food. It is advisable to eat fruit at least 30 minutes before any heavy meal. In this way, fruits will quickly digested. By eating fruits on an empty stomach, your system becomes toxic and gives you more energy to lose weight.

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